Driven from their homes, shipped in cattle trucks from the ghettos the first words they saw upon entering the concentration camps were ‘ Arbeit macht frei’ wrought in iron ,..
These were Jews persecuted for their race and religion, but let us not forget that amongst them were the mentally ill, the disabled, the sick and the ‘special people’. In fact if I remember my history correctly the ‘special people’ , the sick and disabled and the mentally ill were the first groups that were chosen for ‘Euthanasia’.
Present circumstances have led me to deplore the behaviour of the current British Government in no uncertain terms.
In May of 2010 I wrote the following blog ‘get your rotten eggs ready for Ian,..’ as you can see I was keeping an open mind, giving Ian Duncan Smith the benefit of the doubt. But now I feel the verdict is in, and IDS is among the culpable.
Arbeit macht frei !
The words mean ‘work will set you free’, how ironic then that these words appeared over the gates to Auschwitz and other camps, where victims of the Nazis were worked to death. David Cameron and IDS have shown how the land lies, the road ahead for the unemployed and for sick and disabled people is not real Jobs with a guaranteed minimum wage but instead leads to ‘Workfare’ where ‘Benefit Slaves’ are forced to work in gangs, on pain of loosing their pittance, sleeping under bridges, with no sanitation or food.
Arbeit macht Frei !!
The characterisation of Sick and Disabled people as ‘scroungers’ began with the outgoing Labour government, let’s not forget that, but IDS and Cameron jumped on the band-wagon wholeheartedly. The sick and disabled are viewed as easy targets, in the media the portrayal of the sick and disabled in this way has led to abuse and to their being scapegoated, much in the same way as the Jews were (the sick and disabled, and the mentally ill were quietly herded into air tight vans and simply gassed to death).
Arbeit macht Frei !!!
One of the first things they did was to force Jewish people into ghettos, evicting them from their homes and concentrating them in into restricted areas, families into single rooms, several families to a house. Notice what is going on with Local Housing Allowance, not only is this benefit cut to the 30th percentile but the rules are changing so that younger people especially are forced into shared accommodation.
Arbeit Macht Frei !!!!
Let these words be a rallying cry, and not an epitaph for those who in desperation have taken their own lives.
Let these words be a warning from history,. throw them in the faces of The British Government and remind them in no uncertain terms that if we discard our social conscience, where the slippery slope will lead us.