Thursday, December 20, 2012
Breach of Contract by British Government
I had to claim JSA or as it was then unemployment benefit the last time we had a Tory sponsored recession. I lost everything in that one, my job my home, most of my possessions, my car and my health. Over the course of a handful of years I went from being an aspiring professional to being all but homeless living in one room surrounded by pimps and prostitutes, drunks and drug abusers and petty criminals. During the course of 4 years in that one room I dealt with two fires, two overdoses, and multiple medical emergencies, all on behalf of my fellow inmates. I managed to dig myself out of the debt that had accrued, and retrained myself over the course of several years at college, and re-launched my career, this time as a college tutor. I taught people from age 16 to 70, until my health again left me unable to continue. Refused DLA I have had to manage on Incapacity Benefit, and it has been possible just, but without DLA I have no car, and because of my condition no prospect of employment.
And now even the little that I do have is under threat, my housing benefit has been cut, meaning I have to supplement rent from my benefit, and I am facing being moved from IB to ESA, to have my ESA taken away under the discredited WCA, eventually to expect to again be forced to claim JSA, but this time also to face crippling sanctions if I fail to jump through hoops, or fail to perform free labour for private companies under the Work Program. Even should I be granted ESA I could still face these sanctions. So it is not surprising then that I should feel that this government has breached its contract with me, and with hundreds of thousands of people like me, why did I pay in all those years, if the promised support can just be taken away? I count myself lucky that I did not have a family, and children. What would I say to them, not being able to provide for them? So what was the point of National Insurance, indeed what is the point of any insurance if they will not pay out on claims after having unilaterally changed the rules or the fine print?
The policies of this ConDem coalition are indefensible, attacking sick and disabled people is the lowest form of expression of power. The demonising of the sick and disabled, branding us ‘scroungers’ and worse in order to justify these attacks on disability benefits is immoral. Millions of taxpayers money have been spent on propaganda of this form, and billions are being handed to Workfare Providers to bully people into applying for jobs that are not suitable or non-existent, and the labour of these poor unfortunates is being handed to charities and private companies for free. They are literally being used as work slaves, for profit and on pain of having the bare pittance they receive removed if they will not submit to this indignity. Not content with making slaves of the healthy unemployed they extend this programme to the sick and disabled, to those whose medical practitioners have declared unfit for work, but whom so called healthcare professionals employed by a private company subsequently declare fit for work in accordance with a government determined quota system.
New charity food banks open every week, to provide emergency rations to those affected by the cuts. The list of suicides gets longer every month, each new death adding to those who have died after being unfairly assessed ‘fit for work’. Disabled people who were living independently and receiving care in their own homes now face isolation, or committal to nursing homes with all the potential for neglect and abuse that comes with that. And why is this being done? apparently to reduce the deficit under the pre-Keynesian notion that this will bring us out of recession, when the evidence shows that this can not work, and has already cause not just a double dip recession but we are now going under for the third time! Britain is drowning and far from throwing a lifeline, this Government is confiscating the life belts, refusing to buy any life rafts and mothballing the life boats!
Meanwhile MPs fiddle their expenses and are not jailed, corporations pour millions into Tory party coffers, bankers fiddle the interest rates and pay themselves huge bonuses and are not jailed, while sitting on the bailout money taxpayers have forked over, and tax avoidance amongst the rich is rife with billions being sequestered offshore, with corporations paying a paltry couple of million in tax on multi-billion pounds worth of revenue. There is a perfect storm coming, the government has breached its contract with the people and sits smugly enjoying subsidised homes, lunches and free Champaign while the unemployed, low waged and the sick and disabled face homelessness and starvation in one of the richest countries in the world.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Sick and Disabled People returning to work face discrimination at every level
As I myself am facing this situation I decided to see just exactly what, realistically are my prospects for obtaining paid employment. I approached two employment agencies in the town where I live and asked each the following question; “Realistically speaking , what are my prospects for getting a job?”. Both were told that I have been on Incapacity Benefit for approximately 10 years with a number of conditions that would affect my capacity for work.
The first agency was IRWEB trading as Interaction Recruitment, the agency was entered by a narrow doorway between two shops, and required me to negotiate 3 flights of stairs to reach the office, there was no lift. I walk using a cane, and have COPD. I arrived eventually at the top floor, breathless and in pain. Had I been in a wheelchair it would NOT have been possible for me to reach the office at all. When I was able I explained briefly my situation and asked them the question ‘what realistically are my prospects of getting a job’. This is the reply I got (paraphrased) “We require references that aren’t family or friends for the last five years, you don’t have any so we wouldn’t put you on our books”, I asked if that was a legal requirement and was told “Sorry those are the rules,” I expressed the opinion that this was discriminatory and was told “it’s like you just came out of prison” . I did not leave my name.
The second agency I approached was ADECCO, which I also approached on the same date, 25th September 2012. Their office was fortunately on the ground floor, with street access. However the reception area was small and filled with a table and 3 chairs, anyone attempting to enter with a wheelchair would have no choice but to block the entrance. I explained my situation to them, that I was on IB and expected to lose my benefit and asked the same question ‘what realistically are my prospects for paid employment’. I was told that they would be happy to look at my CV, when I asked about references they allowed that I could cite my doctor as a referee however they did state that some employers did require recent experience and that they felt that this was not discrimination. I sent my CV by email that evening, this is the response I received:
“Thank you for sending us your Curriculum Vitae.
At present we have no vacancies relevant to your requirements. However, we will keep your details on file and, should any suitable vacancies arise, we will contact you.
We wish you every success in your search for employment and would like to thank you for thinking of Adecco.
Two days later I received the following letter from the Dept. of Work and Pensions ;
“Date 25/09/2012 THE BENEFIT YOU RECEIVE IS CHANGING” ,.. please note the date of this letter as I think it is significant, I am now to be re-assessed.
Subsequently I had a look at Adecco’s website and found three vacancies I was interested in, as I felt I had relevant experience, all be it that this experience was more than 10 years previously. I wrote an email to the local agency person I had spoken to previously expressing an interest in the 3 vacancies and received the following in reply;
“I do not believe you will be suitable for the jobs as they require recent experience but if that is not the case one of my colleagues will contact you should you be suitable for the position.”
In conclusion then it is very clear to me now just what the barriers are to sick and disabled people returning to work, firstly agencies and employers know that being passed ‘Fit for work’ under the WCA does not in any way guarantee that a person is actually capable of working. The practice of requiring recent experience is of itself discriminatory against sick and disabled people returning to work, this practice completely disregards any wealth of past work experience, and of life experience a disabled person may have and any qualifications they may have obtained. Disabled access to many premises is simply non existent and agencies are as guilty as employers of failing to provide such access. And lastly but perhaps most significantly the prejudices promoted against sick and disabled people by this governments propaganda and ‘scrounger’ rhetoric have condemned us to life on the dole with no prospect of paid employment, or to work unpaid at whatever menial post the DWP and their agents demand of us, otherwise to have no income what so ever. This is unacceptable, and we will fight!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Privatising the NHS will put Britain in debt to private corporations for up to 60 years
Much has been made by politicians of the supposed benefits of public-private partnerships, but let me explain how these deals actually work;
Let’s say we want to build a hospital in Corby, because presently any accident or emergency patients, and maternity patients have to travel to Kettering. Let’s say the cost of actually building such a facility is around £6 million using public money. The government says that there simply isn’t the money to do this, but that they will create a public-private partnership called Corby NHS Trust to do this. The private member of the ‘partnership’ puts up the money, and has the hospital built. This means that the cost of building the hospital does not come out of public funding and thus does not appear on the exchequers books. But this money is then a debt owed to the private corporations who provided the finance and must be paid back to them over lets say 30 years, including interest. If the interest rate is only 2%, after 30 years £10.868 million will have to be repaid! Almost doubling the cost of building the hospital. The real figures and interest rates are probably much larger, but you get the idea.
Now if at the same time the services of that hospital are also privatised and therefore NOLONGER free at the point of service, the corporations who provided the finance will be charging those of us who can pay, and NOT serving those of us who can’t. They then stand to make not only the £4.868 million in profit from the government paying them back but also whatever amount of profit THEY decide to take after running costs.
The repayment schedules being talked about are up to 60 years, anyone with a calculator can see that this is a brilliant deal for the private investors, but a really crap deal for the British people, as we will be paying 3 or 4 times what it actually costs to build such hospitals, and be tied into paying for them for up to 60 years. Meanwhile assuming the privatisation of the NHS goes ahead, we will also be paying for the products of those hospitals, in terms of services we receive. It’s a Lose-Lose situation for the British people and a Win-win for the private corporations.
Now you see why millions of pounds are pouring into the Tory party coffers from private corporations, and how the millionaires who have usurped our government are laughing all the way to the bank!
Monday, July 30, 2012
How the British Government Scuppered Permitted Work
On the face of it ‘Permitted Work’ seems like an ideal opportunity for claimants of IB and ESA who have been on benefit for a long time to see if they can actually do some work, and to be guaranteed to be better off whilst doing so. However in practice it seems that very few people are actually taking up this facility, exact figures do not seem to be available. A freedom of Information Request is still outstanding on this matter.
What then might the barriers be to claimants taking up permitted work? The first fear that comes to mind is that if you show any interest in doing permitted work, that you will trigger a re-assessment of your fitness for work. The DWP guidance states that anyone doing permitted work will still be subject to assessment of their fitness for work;
“If a medical assessment is due as part of your ongoing benefits-related review, it will go ahead as planned.”
Previous guidance to Incapacity Benefit claimants suggested that taking up permitted work may indeed trigger a re-assessment of their capacity to work.
Another concern is that doing permitted work may affect your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit. It seems to depend mainly on if the Decision maker at DWP decides your work is ‘permitted’ and what disregard you are allowed, if you get the £20 disregard then anything you earn over this amount will affect IB,ESA and HB and CTB, similarly if your work is judged to be permitted and you earn in excess of the £97.50 disregard this too will affect your benefits including HB and CTB. Additionally if, in any one week, you work for 16 hours or more then your entitlement to Incapacity Benefit or Employment Support Allowance STOPS!
The main problem however is that if your work is determined by the DWP decision maker NOT to be allowed as permitted work your benefits are immediately affected by the full amount of your income from any paid employment. This is compounded by the fact that the claimant is NOT TOLD prior to starting any work if the work they are proposing to do is ‘permitted’, claimants must start the work, send in the PW1 declaring that they wish to work under the ‘permitted work rules’ and wait to see if the work they are doing is permitted, they are then completely in the hands of the DWP decision maker as to whether the work they want to do will benefit them financially in any way or if it will result in their benefits being cut by the amount they receive, the fact that they are then doing some work would doubtless be taken into account during their WCA assessment regarding their fitness for work.
A further concern is that it appears that on disclosing that you are doing work which you wish to be considered as permitted work under the permitted work rules, your claim for benefit is immediately suspended, pending the DWP Decision on whether such work is ‘permitted’.
It is this writers view that the regulations regarding ‘permitted work’ are a minefield for the claimant and for welfare rights advisers alike, with amendments to regulations, changes in types of benefits and a total lack of clarity as to what work is permitted. It occurs to this writer that this government has No Interest in encouraging the uptake of permitted work as provided for by the regulation because, if permitted, it does not reduce the benefits bill in the short term, no matter how much it may benefit the claimant. Further the regulations and subsequent amendments seem to have been so crafted that any claimant wishing to take up permitted work does so at the immediate risk of their entitlement to benefits.
In conclusion what could have been a significant aide to the long term sick and disabled in trying some limited work and being rewarded for doing so has been successfully scuppered by opaque regulation and lack of information. Whether permitted work, had it been implemented in a transparent and fair manner, could lead to claimants no longer needing the support of these benefits in the long term is unknown, if the Freedom of Information request is answered perhaps the answers to these questions will finally come to light. Instead claimants of ESA are now facing Mandated Work were the sick and disabled will be expected to work for their benefits for as much as 30 hours per week and for as long as 6 months at a time on pain of being sanctioned in exactly the same way as claimants of Job Seeker Allowance, among whom will be those of their fellows found ‘fit for work’ under the discredited WCA.
Update And response to kelly Peters:
For some reason Blogger is not letting me reply to comments so ;
Kelly, I agree that IB is currently an emotive subject, as I too am on IB waiting for Graylings' axe to fall, and from what I see in the press and media, I have little hope of getting a fair assessment under the WCA. We have seen no matter what DWP guidance is given that ATOS have been working to targets, as shown by C4: Dispatches. (When is a target not a target? when its a statistical norm, a target by any other name) . From what I hear and read the rules regarding ESA appeals will change as of April 2013 (Welfare reform bill, clause 99, source social welfare union), such that anyone appealing a decision on their entitlement to ESA will automatically be put on JSA, and thus one would expect to be subject to JSA jobseeker regulations, sanctions and mandated activity. Grayling has said elsewhere in the press that it is his intention to 're-design' the system so that those persons coming off IB/ESA whom jobcentreplus feels are too sick to take work placements will be forced to do so.
This is my blog, I will do , Kelly such fact checking as I am able and will post whatever I like in my blog. I therefore invite you to challenge any and all statements of mine which you feel are wrong or misleading, and please be sure to include your sources, or I will not allow your comment.
Investigation into the source of claims made by SWU above: Original SWU post :
source of the above post
source of that post :
and the origination of the Chinese whisper :
In the above post benefits and work say that
“Given that reconsiderations could take many months, many claimants will be obliged to make a claim for JSA, even though they may consider themselves wholly unfit for any kind of work. Alternatively, they will have to manage without either ESA or JSA, at least until their appeal is lodged.”
I accept that the word ‘automatically’ as used by myself above was incorrect but assert that my statements above regarding ESA claimants having to face the same requirements as JSA claimants, given the above statements from Benefits from work, were in fact substantially true, However is appears that currently available guidance from the DWP states that a claimant may continue to receive ESA at the assessment phase rate.
The fact remains that persons having an illness and or disability which would give them rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of People with disabilities, will still face being forced to work for their benefits should they find themselves on JSA, in contravention of article 27 of the convention. Article 27 also implies that if it is a contravention of the convention that a disabled person is forced to work, it is also a contravention of the convention should any other person be forced to work. A converse (perverse?) interpretation could also be made , that if a non disabled person can be forced to work, then so can a disabled person, but I think that such and interpretation would be seen to be against the spirit of the convention.
Update 15/08/2012
The following article and documents from the DWP have recently been pointed out to me, this was originally reported on The Guardian website in an article entitled “Disabled people face unlimited unpaid work or cuts in benefits” published in February of this year. The title statement is supported by two DWP documents; The first is “Work Experience and work placements for ESA Work-related activity Group” and is a presentation from the DWP policy and strategy forum, December 2011. In this document the DWP shows its intention to introduce work experience and work placements for sick and disabled persons in the WRAG. In the second document which is a redacted copy of the minutes of the DWP policy and strategy forum meeting of 1st December 2011. In this document the intention to mandate this activity is made clear;
“Ministers strongly feel there is a link-up to support those who are moving close to the labour market and the individual’s responsibility to engage with the support. Ministers feel sanctions are an incentive for people to comply with their responsibility.”
The Guardian article includes information received from the DWP saying explicitly that some would be mandated to this activity and some would not. I am at pains to point out to any sick or disabled person facing such activity in the WRAG on ESA, or any person who is disabled under the terms of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and has been declared fit for work, and to the DWP and any disabled groups reading this article that under article 27 of the convention disabled persons “..are protected, on an equal basis with others, from forced or compulsory labour.”
Thursday, July 12, 2012
An open letter to Nick Clegg MP
Dear Nick,
I have been a Liberal, and then a Liberal Democrat supporter for many years, in fact since Sir David Steel was leader of the Liberal Party. As a teenager I campaigned in elections, delivering leaflets for my local candidate as a member of the Liberal Radical Youth, and as an adult I have voted Liberal or Liberal Democrat in every election, bye-election, or local government election that there has been to date where I have been living in the UK.
I now withdraw my support for this Liberal Democrat/conservative coalition government, and my support for the LibDems while they are led by you. This is because of your complete and utter failure to protect the rights of sick and disabled people in this country, because you have allowed sick and disabled people in this country to be portrayed as lazy scroungers, without once to my knowledge showing support for us or objecting publicly to those government policies and attitudes which demean us, policies which seek to deny us the right to live dignified and independent lives, because you have allowed this government to arbitrarily withdraw benefits from sick and disabled people based on a work capability assessment which has been thoroughly discredited by the British Medical Association, and because of your continued failure to support EDM 295 ATOS, which would at least allow these matters to be debated in the house.
Furthermore I commend your decision to continue to fight the next election as leader of the Liberal democrats, this shows me that you will continue to bury your head in the sand while innocent people suffer. My vote is one that you will not have, and nor I hope will you have the votes of those sick and disabled people that find themselves in my position.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
The British Government attempt at Redefining Disability
The United Kingdom has signed AND ratified The UN Convention on the Rights of people with disabilities which states that;
“Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”
The Equality and Human Rights Commission Guidance states that the convention is based on the Social Model of disability. The social model of disability sees the issue of "disability" as a socially created problem and a matter of the full integration of individuals into society, as opposed to the Medical Model which sees disability as a problem of the person, directly caused by disease, trauma, or other health condition which therefore requires sustained medical care provided in the form of individual treatment by professionals.
However the governing Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition seems intent on denying that either of the above models apply. Perhaps as a reaction to the current economic situation, or as a matter of Tory Party ideology, they are applying what amounts to a purely Economic Model of disability;
“The economic model defines disability by a person’s inability to participate in work. It also assesses the degree to which impairment affects an individual’s productivity and the economic consequences for the individual, employer and the state. Such consequences include loss of earnings for and payment for assistance by the individual; lower profit margins for the employer; and state welfare payments. This model is directly related to the charity/tragedy model.” - Source Wikipoedia.
The Coalition government has, in order to reduce the welfare benefits bill, introduced a new method of assessment and a new benefit to replace Incapacity Benefit and Disability Living allowance. The new benefits are at a lower rate than the above benefits and are assessed using a ‘Work Capability Assessment’. This method of assessment has been discredited by The British Medical Association, who have called for it to be scrapped and replaced with something more fit for the purpose.
That the Coalition government is using the economic model of disability is evident in the criteria used in the WCA, where claimants are found ‘fit for work’ and in the public statements of its officials. Claimants have been portrayed in the media as ‘Lazy Scroungers’ and The Chief Operating Officer of the Department of Work and Pensions (Terry Morgan) made the following statement to a public meeting of his civil service colleagues ;
“One of the things that distresses me greatly is when I see these headlines in newspapers when people have pretended to be disabled in order to get money out of the system.
“If I had my way I would put their photograph on every lamp-post in the street where they live because it is a very distressing thing for genuinely disabled people to see the reputation of disabled people damaged in the way that is by those people. We have got to do something about it constructively.”
The above statements make it distressingly clear that the DWP define a person who is ‘fit for work’ as not disabled, and a person who has been awarded benefit under the WCA as disabled, thus implementing the economic model.
Even more distressing to persons who have rights under the UN Convention is that this official advocates actions toward persons with disabilities that contravene article 15 and 16 of the UN Convention;
“Article 15 Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
'No one must be tortured or subject to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.Degrading treatment means treatment that is grossly humiliating and undignified.'
Article 16 Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse
'Governments must do everything they can to: protect disabled people from all forms of exploitation, violence and abuse at home and in the community'”
As of the date of writing the WCA is being considered for judicial review by a judge of the High Court, on the grounds that it discriminates against people with mental health problems. The official figures for fraudulent claiming of these benefit has been put at 0.5% . The number of disabled people previously classed as unfit for work, who are being re-classified as ‘fit for work’ and denied ‘Employment Support Allowance’ continues to rise, as does the number of successful appeals, and sadly also the number of people who have died where removal of these benefits is seen as a contributing cause.
Update : Since this article was written a more detailed examination of the issues involved, the models used and their origins has been produced by Debbie jolly : A Tale of Two Models on DPAC’s website
Monday, June 25, 2012
Arbeit macht frei – Social cleansing in the UK
Driven from their homes, shipped in cattle trucks from the ghettos the first words they saw upon entering the concentration camps were ‘ Arbeit macht frei’ wrought in iron ,..
These were Jews persecuted for their race and religion, but let us not forget that amongst them were the mentally ill, the disabled, the sick and the ‘special people’. In fact if I remember my history correctly the ‘special people’ , the sick and disabled and the mentally ill were the first groups that were chosen for ‘Euthanasia’.
Present circumstances have led me to deplore the behaviour of the current British Government in no uncertain terms.
In May of 2010 I wrote the following blog ‘get your rotten eggs ready for Ian,..’ as you can see I was keeping an open mind, giving Ian Duncan Smith the benefit of the doubt. But now I feel the verdict is in, and IDS is among the culpable.
Arbeit macht frei !
The words mean ‘work will set you free’, how ironic then that these words appeared over the gates to Auschwitz and other camps, where victims of the Nazis were worked to death. David Cameron and IDS have shown how the land lies, the road ahead for the unemployed and for sick and disabled people is not real Jobs with a guaranteed minimum wage but instead leads to ‘Workfare’ where ‘Benefit Slaves’ are forced to work in gangs, on pain of loosing their pittance, sleeping under bridges, with no sanitation or food.
Arbeit macht Frei !!
The characterisation of Sick and Disabled people as ‘scroungers’ began with the outgoing Labour government, let’s not forget that, but IDS and Cameron jumped on the band-wagon wholeheartedly. The sick and disabled are viewed as easy targets, in the media the portrayal of the sick and disabled in this way has led to abuse and to their being scapegoated, much in the same way as the Jews were (the sick and disabled, and the mentally ill were quietly herded into air tight vans and simply gassed to death).
Arbeit macht Frei !!!
One of the first things they did was to force Jewish people into ghettos, evicting them from their homes and concentrating them in into restricted areas, families into single rooms, several families to a house. Notice what is going on with Local Housing Allowance, not only is this benefit cut to the 30th percentile but the rules are changing so that younger people especially are forced into shared accommodation.
Arbeit Macht Frei !!!!
Let these words be a rallying cry, and not an epitaph for those who in desperation have taken their own lives.
Let these words be a warning from history,. throw them in the faces of The British Government and remind them in no uncertain terms that if we discard our social conscience, where the slippery slope will lead us.
Saturday, June 02, 2012
The Great Holland and Barrett Rip-Off!
Like many people in the UK I have Irritable Bowel syndrome and was looking for a dietary method of treating this, hopefully to achieve prevention rather than just treating the symptoms with medication. I figured if I could make some adjustments to my diet ,. well if you look online on this subject you find allsorts of things you should try excluding from your diet such as lactose and gluten etc but this presumes that your IBS is due to an intolerance for these things, and if this is the case well it isn’t IBS. I have IBS-A and am not lactose or gluten intolerant.
So having done some research on the matter I found that I can use liquorice root as an anti-spasmodic, flax seed, okra and fenugreek for their mucilage (Instead of Ispaghula husk). So looking on line I found a health food shop apparently located within 400m of my house so I put my hat and coat on and went to find it, guess what ? It went out of business and is now a pet-store. never mind I thought, there will be a Holland and Barrett in the shopping centre, and sure enough there is. I know from my research that ‘fenugreek’ is both a herb and a spice and commonly called ‘methi’ in India, a common ingredient in curry, the leaves are used as a herb and the seeds as a spice. That’s fine I like my curry as well as the next Englishman,.
I found ‘Fenugreek’ in Holland and Barrett in capsules packaged as a medicine (100 capsules 610mg for £4.12 , previous price £8.25) . I found other items similarly packaged, such as ‘linseed oil’ (£13.35 for 120 capsules), along with various other herbal ‘remedies’. I stormed out of the shop literally swearing under my breath, they are literally repackaging common herbs and spices , oils and so on as ‘medicines’ and charging a fortune for them!
When I got home I did some more research and found that I can buy 250g of fenugreek seed for £1.35, 500g of brown Linseed(flax) £2.42, and to complete my order 250g of liquorice root for £4.68. Where from ? : ‘Buy whole foods online storefront’. Okra is a vegetable and I figure if anyone has any fresh Okra it will be Tesco.
My point here is simple, lets stop paying people like Holland and Barrett to grind stuff up and put it in capsules and learn what herbs, spices and vegetables can help with our health problems, most of them have been around for centuries for good reason.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
QuickTime UpDater runs adware process ‘Moozy’ ( DeleteMe1.exe )
Today I allowed the apple auto-updater to install what I thought was an updated version of QuickTime, the apple updater ran and detected an update to QuickTime was required, on attempting to install this the installer appeared to hang, and was manually terminated. Subsequently SpyBot resident protection detected the process ‘moozy’ an adware plugin running from Quicktime plugins directory as ‘deleteMe1.exe’.
The following is the Spybot Search and destroy Resident protection log entries ;-
22/05/2012 18:41:44 Allowed (based on user decision) value "QuickTime Task" (new data: ""C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTTask.exe" -atboottime") added in System Startup global entry!
22/05/2012 18:42:29 Allowed (based on user decision) value "QuickTime Plugin Install" (new data: "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\Plugins\DeleteMe1.exe") added in System Startup global entry!
22/05/2012 18:42:29 Encountered and terminated Moozy in C:\Program Files\QuickTime\Plugins\DeleteMe1.exe!
22/05/2012 18:46:45 Allowed (based on user decision) value "QuickTime Plugin Install" (new data: "") deleted in System Startup global entry!
As you can see from the above it appears that Resident caught them red handed !
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Google complicit in UK premium rate phone number scams?
So you need a phone number fast right, and you know that if you call directory enquiries from your mobile or land line you are going to get charged for the call, so you Google the service you need,..
As an example let’s use the UK National Health Service direct health advice line, NHS Direct. This line is an 0845 number that’s free to call from a land line. You Google it and the first result is this site :
which offers to connect you to NHS Direct through an 0906 number which is actually PREMIUM RATED! (Only the words ‘premium rated’ do not appear anywhere near the number itself, Well you’d think that most people would not fall for this scam, but at 4am in the morning, perhaps your having palpitations? taken too much of your medication? or are having other symptoms that have you in a panic?)
Looking closer at the Google search we can see that the legitimate website entry NHS Direct, has been pre-empted by a paid avert which is barely distinguishable from the genuine search results. The scammers have used Google Adwords advertising to gazump the real service, and the spoof website even uses the same style as the legitimate one. This is just one example among many.
Now the question is , is Google aware that its adsense program is being exploited in this way or are they quite happy to continue making revenues from such scam advertising? The advertising that appears in your search results is clearly being deliberately disguised as a legitimate search result, google itself exploiting the tendency for users to take the first result in the list. And the next question to ask google is , what if any checking are they doing on sites advertised in this way?
If you have been scammed into calling a premium rate number you can report the scam to
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
General Increase in benefits : UK Government Claw backs
From 12th April 2012 there is scheduled to be an increase in the General Level of Benefits, this will mean that for example the basic rate of Incapacity benefit, long term will become £99.15 per week. The incapacity age addition will be £5.90 making to total weekly benefit for a single sick and disabled claimant over the age of 45 to be £105.05 per week, from a previous figure of £99.85
However those who are also in receipt of housing benefit, possibly the majority of such claimants face a considerable government claw back which will come into effect on 13th August 2012 when protection ends against the governments reduction in LHA to £80.77 This will be the second such reduction in LHA which will impact the sick and disabled during this government. Housing benefit is an essential form of income for benefit claimants and is being systematically targeted by this government for cuts. Housing benefit is calculated using a figure determined by government of how much the law says a sick and disabled person needs to live on, this figure is £67.50 plus £28.85 for sickness or disability. £96.35 in all. If this figure is not increased on 12th April, or by 13th August sick and disabled people face a considerable reduction in the total amount of benefit awarded.
Housing benefit awarded prior to 12 April : £84.02
Housing benefit projected after 12 April if the amount the law says a sick and disabled person need to live on remains the same : £80.64
Housing benefit projected after 13th August : £75.11
The net effect of all this is that the general increase in benefits for all those on incapacity benefit of £5.20 per week stands to be offset by a reduction of housing benefit of £8.91 per week, leaving them on average £3.71 per week worse off DESPITE the general increase in benefit. And that sick and disabled people will now have to pay on average £12 per week towards their rent to make up the housing benefits shortfall. Where prior to the incumbency of this UK government LHA in most cases covered all of their rent at its previous level.
This is simply the final straw in this governments’ scapegoating of the sick and disabled, the amounts seem tiny until you look at them as a percentage of weekly income, in this case a reduction of 11% during the course of this government.