Sunday, April 13, 2008

Be Nice to noobs you turds!!!!!!!

Ok so I recently rediscovered shoot em up gaming, I had never played multiplayer except on Blaxxun communities where I built my own VRML game engine ( Combat2 ) ,.. so this buddy of mine (Karamba) from SL (second life) finally persuades me to register with Steam . Now I had baught Half-Life ( Generations ) quad CD pack some time ago to supliment my original HL , and put it in the cupboard unused because I lost my PC to a Trojan, and the replacement system only had a onboard GPU (SIS) that couldn't hack the 3d so well. Any way , now that I got a decent GPU (nvidia G-force 7600 GS AGP) I figured 'WTH , lets give it a go'.

Steam lets you register an existing CD game, so lo and behold I found my CD key unlocked the platinum pack , including Counter Strike. So I thought I was good to go ,.. but no Karamba only plays CSS ( Counter Strike :Source ) ,.. so Out came the plastic ( Oh the joys of being an adult :P)

Cut a long story short I got creamed, burned , blown up , knifed , strafed often without even getting a shot off. Now I'm getting on a bit , but I hadn't realised just how bad my reflexes had gotten. And I am gonna blame SL for it, the lag dontcha know is sooo bad sometimes in some SL Sims thats you get used to having actions and reactions delayed for long seconds. Not so in CSS, Its fast and furious and the servers dump you if your latency(ping) goes to high.

So I kinda expected Karamba to lead me around the first few maps, nut uh, he just wanted to frag me! Damn Sweed!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Broken Man


He lived on disability and had done for many years but The Money Man had recently taken over the government of the country and he says that everyone must work. The Broken Man had been getting by, he still suffered from depression but had so far avoided sectioning, which is where they lock you up with a bunch of mad people until you become sane by their definitions, only now he was getting letters from The Powers That Be, again.

This particular letter from The Powers That Be arrived on a bad day for The Broken Man. He had woken up at 7 a.m. as usual and as usual had immediately taken the daily meds, and the first dose of his 4 hourly. The time between waking and the next 4 hourly was spent on and off, mostly on, the toilet. As well as everything else The Broken Man had IBS, which kept him in low-level constant pain all day, everyday but was much worse in the mornings for obvious reasons. The letter stated that under the new Welfare to Work rules he would now have to work for The Powers That Be, doing whatever they said he was capable of, that or loose his disability money. The letter went on to say that he must report to The Rich Man’s factory at 9 a.m. the following Monday, where he must do at least 16 hours of satisfactory work over the course of the week. For this he would be paid 80 bucks on top of his disability.

On the face of it this looked like a good deal, 16 hrs of button sorting for 5 bucks an hour and he still got his disability money. The Broken Man may be broken but he was no bodies fool, he knew that The Community Council would have something to say about that. A couple of calls latter and The Broken Man had the true skinny, The Community Council would reassess his income based on the extra 80 bucks and adjust his rent check and Community Charge accordingly. The Broken Man was already having to pay The Landlord 5 bucks a weeks that the rent check didn’t cover so this 80 bucks for Slave Wages would be swallowed up by The Community Council and he, The Broken Man would be working 16 hrs per week, even though he was sick, for nothing.

So The Broken Man went to work in the factory. It costs him 2 bucks each way for the bus, and because he spent a total of 2 hrs in the toilet he only got 3 hrs of satisfactory wok done on the first day, according to the Permitted Work Supervisor anyway, and even though he had been at The Factory all day. He shit himself the next day, but he carried on working and managed 4 hours of satisfactory work. The Dribblers he was working beside didn’t care about the smell, still he was humiliated but no one at The Factory cared. By the end of the first week The Broken man had spent 40 hours at The Factory, and had managed 15 hrs satisfactory work. He had paid out 20 bucks in bus fares and spent 10 bucks in the canteen ( 2 bucks a day for soup and a sandwich ). The Permitted Work Supervisor said he was settling in very well and could make up the hour next week.

The Broken Man had been working at The Factory for a month or so when it came time to refill his prescription. Now when all he had received in income was his disability check The Broken Man was able to get his prescriptions for free, all he had to do was sign a declaration of poverty and state that his income consisted solely in the 80 bucks per week disability check. Of course it never had, The Broken Man knew that his income actually consisted in the disability check plus the rent check and his rebate from Community Charge, but now he would have to fill in that part of the forms that specifically enquired about any Permitted Work he was doing and how much he was getting paid for it. That would put his income over the threshold for free drugs and he would have to pay for his meds. Six items per month at 8 bucks an item, 48 bucks per month not including ad hock requirements.

At the Pharmacist shop The Broken Man sighed and handed over his debit card. The Machine beeped, the Pharmacist frowned and handed the card back, and The Broken Man watched his meds taken back off the counter as the man turned away. The Broken Man had no money left and would have to manage without his meds.

A week later The Broken Man’s Next of Kin got a call from The Hospital, The Broken Man had been sectioned under the terms of The Nutter’s Act and could be visited between 2 and 4 pm on Tuesdays. When The Broken Man’s brother duly arrived at The Hospital the following Tuesday he was shown into The Broken Man’s room. The Broken Man was standing looking out of the window and every 10 seconds he would bang his bleeding head against a red patch on the otherwise white wall. The Broken Man’s brother broke down and cried, and had to be escorted from the building.